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Close Encounters at Murray Falls: Camping in the Cassowary Coast

Woah there mate! That’s a little too close!

"Visit the Cassowary Coast they said... it will be fun they said! We have headed straight into the Australian Bush! What a way to be greeted into our campsite than a giant Cassowary 😯 The feet and claws alone were so scary! Needless to say, just another thing in the Aussie bush that can get ya!"

Cassowary coast, Cassowary, Camping in the Cassowary coast, Murray Falls, Caravan Australia

Welcome to the Wild Beauty of Murray Falls

If you're up for an adventure that includes a surprise welcome from the locals (and by locals, we mean the fascinating and slightly intimidating cassowaries), then Murray Falls in the Cassowary Coast is your go-to destination. Tucked away in the heart of the Australian bush, this camping spot offers an immersive experience in nature, complete with unexpected encounters.

A Date with Australia's Feathered Giants

Murray Falls is not just about breathtaking landscapes and pristine campgrounds; it's also home to the incredible cassowary. These flightless birds, known for their striking appearance and distinctive helmet-like casques, roam freely in the area. Imagine pulling up to your campsite, and there, emerging from the foliage, is one of these majestic creatures! While their impressive presence might startle you at first, it's a unique opportunity to witness Australia's wildlife in its natural habitat.

Campsite Chronicles: The Cassowary Edition

Our campsite at Murray Falls was an open invitation to wildlife, and the cassowary took full advantage of it. With their striking blue and black plumage, these feathered giants added an element of awe to our camping experience. As the sun set, we found ourselves sharing the campfire with our unexpected, yet strangely welcomed, avian neighbors.

Camping Tips for the Brave: Facing the Cassowary Encounter

  1. Maintain a Respectful Distance: While the cassowary might seem approachable, it's crucial to keep a safe distance. These birds are wild and should be observed from afar to ensure both your safety and theirs.

  2. Secure Your Campsite: Cassowaries are known to be curious creatures, and they might explore your campsite if given the chance. Keep your food securely stored and ensure that your camping gear doesn't attract unwanted attention.

  3. Quiet Observance: Enjoy the rare privilege of observing cassowaries in their natural habitat by maintaining a quiet and unobtrusive presence. This will allow you to witness their behaviors without disturbing them.

Closing Thoughts: A Camping Tale to Remember

So, next time you plan a camping trip to the Cassowary Coast at Murray Falls, brace yourself for a unique and unforgettable encounter with the Aussie bush's feathered residents. The cassowaries might surprise you, but isn't that what makes camping in the wild so exhilarating?

Pack your sense of adventure, keep your camera ready, and get ready for a camping experience that goes beyond the ordinary. Who knows, you might just find yourself sharing a campsite with one of Australia's most intriguing birds! 🏕️🐾

Happy Travels

Chad and Mia

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